Home / Fact sheets / Turkey / Breast qualitative data

Country fact sheet: Turkey


Reporting year for qualitative data: 2019
Source of qualitative data: Directly from Programme

Organization of screening

An individual/team/institution responsible to coordinate the programme: Yes
Dedicated budget for screening programme: Yes
Documented cancer screening policy: Yes
Nature of documentation of the policy: Law
Year programme was initiated: 2004
Programme introduction was preceded by a pilot: Yes, pilot evaluated and report published
Screening tests provided free of charge: Yes
Diagnostic tests provided free of charge: Yes
Treatment services provided free of charge: Yes

Information system and data collection

System that collects data: Individual & Aggregated
   • Identification of eligible population: Individual
   • Screening participation: Individual & Aggregated
   • Screening test results: Individual & Aggregated
   • Further assessment: Aggregated
   • Final pathology diagnosis: No
   • Cancer staging: No
   • Treatment: No
The information system exists at national or sub-national level: Individual: National
Aggregated: National
The information system collects data outside the programme (opportunistic screening/private sector): Yes
Cancer screening data is linked with population-based cancer registry (PBCR): No

Screening protocol

A screening protocol or guideline: Yes
Year of published/updated protocol: 2012
Target age (min-max) and screening interval [months] for each test: Mammography/DBT (40-69 years / [24 months])
CBE (40-69 years / [12 months])
All mammograms read by two radiologists independently: Yes, all mammograms

Invitations for screening and further assessment

Initiatives to create population awareness by the Health Ministry/Health Authority: Mass media campaign
Small media campaign
Group education
One-on-one education
Dedicated website
Social media platform
Invitations to eligible population: Yes
Source of the eligible individuals identified: Population register
List from GP or PHC
Method of invitation: SMS, Phone calls
Screen positive individuals actively contacted for further assessment: Yes
Individuals with a precancer or cancer diagnosis actively contacted: No

Quality Assurance (QA) of screening activities

Documented standard operating procedure/policy for QA: Yes
An individual/team/institution responsible for QA: Yes
Accreditation of mammography units: Yes
Accreditation of pathology services: No
Documented performance indicators: Yes
Reference standards for performance indicators: Yes
Evaluation reports published in the last five years: Yes

Performance indicators

Reporting year for quantitative data: No data currently available

Check also the following factsheets: Turkey, Cervical, Colorectal