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Collaborators (data providers)                                                                                                                                                               Tutorial available soon: Registration Registration to the platform tutorial

The list of data providers will be updated after the first call for data.

Who can be a collaborator?
If you have access to information and data relevant to cancer screening programmes in your country and if you manage, monitor, and/or evaluate a cancer screening programme (e.g. as a member of the national cancer screening programme, ministry of health, national cancer institute, health or public health administration, or an academic institution), you may contact our team to become a collaborator to the CanScreen5 network. The CanScreen5 project is designed to be an instrument to improve the quality of cancer screening programmes by providing training and critical feedback regarding data analysis to the collaborators. We expect that, through capacity building, collaborators will gain knowledge on implementing, monitoring, evaluation and improving the quality of cancer screening; and that by analyzing their own data they will gain insights on how to propose improvements to the programme. For further details, please contact us or send an email to canscreen5@iarc.fr. Your contribution to the project will be duly acknowledged.

How to provide data and contribute to the CanScreen5 platform:
1. Provide your full contact details (name, organization, address, email, position, etc.) with the registration form
2. Have the authority or proper permission if you are providing primary data
3. Access the submission platform (password and link will be provided by the CanScreen5 Secretariat)
4. Complete the data collection forms (qualitative and quantitative tools)
5. Submit the data to the CanScreen5 platform
6. Respond to any queries after the review of the submitted data by the Secretariat or by the Scientific Committee
7. Review and validate the final data after the review process

Technical support

The development of the web platform and the transfer of quantitative data for the European Union was facilitated by Mr Mariano Tomatis under the guidance of Dr Antonio Ponti.

Technical advice and templates from the IARC Cancer Today website (maps, charts, and graphs) were provided by Dr Freddie Bray, Mr Frederic Lam, and Mr Morten Ervik (IARC Section of Cancer Surveillance).

The transcription of the qualitative data and the extraction of data for the country profiles were performed by Mr Antoine Kossi Abalo as part of an internship (Université Lyon I).

We gratefully acknowledge the contributions and valuable suggestions made by Dr Karen Müller of the IARC Communications Group.

Financial support

This project is partly funded by IARC intramural funds and by the European Union Public Health Programme (Scientific and technical support to the European Partnership for Action against Cancer and follow-up of the implementation of the Council Recommendation on Cancer Screening (IARC_SCR) with support from grant agreement No. 2011 5303) for the preparation of the European Cancer Screening Report 2017.

Dr Silvana Luciani from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) supported the organization of the meeting to harmonize data collection tools and methodologies for the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

The European Union Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy, supported the organization of the meeting on the monitoring activities of European cancer screening programmes.

CHAIN, Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research supports the analysis of interventions to reduce social inequalities on the participation in cancer screening in Community of Caribbean and Latin American States (CELAC).

The training platform was partially sponsored by American Cancer Society (ACS), National Cancer Institute (NCI-US), Medical Research Council (MRC-UK), and WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe).

Scientific Committee

Role of the Scientific Committee:
1. Define the criteria for valid data and grading of quality of data
2. Review and validate the data based on the specific criteria before the data are uploaded to the website
3. Actively promote and support the collaboration of countries in CanScreen5
4. Participate as faculty for the regional training to help building capacity on cancer screening activities

Members of the Scientific Committee:

Dr Youssef Chami Khazraji, Fondation Lalla Salma - Prévention et traitement des cancers, Rabat, Morocco.
Dr Z Mike Chirenje, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Dr Jean-Marie Dangou, Dakar, Senegal [CHAIR].
Dr Joel Fokom Domgue, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA.

Dr Jae Kwan Jun, National Cancer Center, Goyang, Republic of Korea.
Dr Kumiko Saika, National Cancer Center, Tokyo; Saku Central Hospital, Saku, Japan.
Dr Suleeporn Sangrajrang, National Cancer Institute, Bangkok, Thailand.
Dr Fatina Al Tahan, Director of Cancer control program, Supervisor of Women Health, Ministry of Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Dr Kazem Zendehdel, Ministry of Health - Iranian National Cancer Control Committee, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.

Dr Eva Kantelhardt, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany.
Dr Carlo Senore, CPO Piemonte, Italy.

Latin America and the Caribbean:
Dr Marianna de Camargo Cancela, National Cancer Institute (INCA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Dr Catterina Ferreccio, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
Dr Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública de México.

North America:
Dr Mona Saraiya, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (CDC), Atlanta, USA.

Dr Jane O'Hallahan, National Screening Unit, Ministry of Health, Wellington, New Zealand.


IARC management team

Role of the management team:
1. Conceptualize the project
2. Develop and maintain the CanScreen5 website
3. Contact potential collaborators
4. Perform checking and initial validation of data
5. Liaise with the Scientific Committee and process data for review by the members
6. Ensure the quality and accuracy of the data and information

IARC Secretariat:
Dr Partha Basu: Project Principal Investigator
Ms Loubna Boulegroun: Secretarial support
Dr André Carvalho: Scientist
Dr Sarra Ezzemni: Postdoctoral fellow
Mr Eric Lucas: Project Coordinator
Dr Mary Luz Rol: Scientist
Dr Isabel Mosquera Metcalfe: Scientist
Dr Richard Muwonge: Statistician
Ms Krittika Pitaksaringkarn: Layout design and technical support

Dr Li Zhang: Former postdoctoral fellow
Dr Catherine Sauvaget: Former epidemiologist

Translation of tools and training materials:
Mr Eric Lucas/Dr Catherine Sauvaget/Dr Sarra Ezzemni (French)
Dr Mary Luz Rol/Dr Isabel Mosquera Metcalfe (Spanish)
Dr Olga Trusova (Russian)
Dr Li Zhang/Ms Meiwen Yuan (Chinese)

Advisory Board

Role of advisors:
1. Improving the quality and scientific validity of the project
2. Building an effective network and collaboration to sustain the project
3. Providing guidance on developing the training modules
4. Reviewing ethical and regulatory issues to ensure that the data collection and sharing practices remain in line with international ethical standards
5. Review and adapt the data collection process and tools
6. Reviewing the manuscripts and the reports generated by the project
7. Other relevant matters

Advisory board members:

Dr Sharon Kapambwe, Department of Health Promotion, Environment and Social Determinants, Ministry of Health, Lusaka, Zambia.

Dr Samar Al-Homoud, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Dr Ibtihal Fadhil, Eastern Mediterranean NCD Alliance and Global NCD Alliance, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Dr You Lin Qiao, Dept. of Cancer Epidemiology, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China.
Dr Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan, RTI International India, Delhi, India [CHAIR].

Dr Ahti Anttila, Mass Screening Registry, Finnish Cancer Registry, Helsinki, Finland.
Dr Joakim Dillner, Swedish Cervical Screening Registry, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.
Dr Terje Andreas Eikemo, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
Dr Harry de Koning, Erasmus, Rotterdam, Nertherlands.
Dr Antonio Ponti, CPO Piemonte, Italy.

Latin America and the Caribbean:
Dr Silvina Arrossi, Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dr Rolando Herrero, Agencia Costarricense de Investigaciones Biomédicas (ACIB), Costa Rica.
Dr Arn Migowski, National Cancer Institute (INCA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Dr Raúl Murillo, Director in Javeriano Oncology Center, Bogota, Colombia.

North America:
Dr Silvana Luciani, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Washington DC, USA.
Dr Douglas Puricelli Perrin, ICSN Program Coordinator and Support for Global Health Program & Policy Analysis at U.S. National Cancer Institute/Center for Global Health, USA.
Dr Linda Rabeneck, Prevention and Cancer Control at Cancer Care Ontario, Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES), Toronto, Canada.
Dr Robert Smith, Senior Vice President, Cancer Screening, American Cancer Society (ACS), Atlanta, USA.
Dr Stephen Taplin, Senior Advisor in Cancer Screening, Center for Global Health, National Cancer Institute (NCI), USA.
Dr Edward L Trimble, Senior Advisor for Global HPV and Cervical Cancer Research and Control, Office of the Director, National Cancer Institute, NIH, HHS, Rockville, USA.

Dr Karen Canfell, Cancer Research Division, Cancer Council NSW, Woolloomooloo , Australia.

Global partners

American Cancer Society (ACS):

WHO African Region:

Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research (CHAIN):

WHO Regional Office for Europe:

Centro di Riferimento per l'Epidemiologia e la
Prevenzione Oncologica in Piemonte (CPO):

Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL):
WHO Region of the Americas:

Friends of cancer patients (FOCP):

Medical Research Council, United Kingdom (MRC):

The International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy:

Susan G. Komen:

Union for International Cancer Control (UICC):