Home / Fact sheets / Canada / Canada (Northwest Territories) / Colorectal qualitative data

Country fact sheet: Canada (Northwest Territories)


Reporting year for qualitative data: There is no policy and screening protocol for colorectal cancer screening as of 2020. Nevertheless, cancer screening activities might be conducted by NGO/Institution/Private sector.

There is a pilot project:
  • Starting year: 2020
  • Ending year: no information
  • Primary test: FIT
  • Sample size: no information

Sub-national data is available for:
   • Alberta (2020)
   • Manitoba (2020)
   • New Brunswick (2020)
   • Newfoundland and Labrador (2020)
   • Northwest Territories (2020)
   • Nova Scotia (2021)
   • Ontario (2020)
   • Prince Edward Island (2020)
   • Quebec (2020)
   • Saskatchewan (2020)
   • Yukon (2020)

Performance indicators

Reporting year for quantitative data: No data currently available
More quantitative data (Ontario: Male - 2018/gFOBT) More quantitative data (Ontario: Women - 2018/gFOBT)

Check also the following factsheets: Canada, Breast, Cervical